Ever wanted to just crack the head of your customer wide open?
Customer and product research is an indisputable crux, upon which all your marketing efforts should rest.
And if you’re in a rush, what’s the best way to find it without the extensive budget and time needed to interview your customers? Our old friend Google, of course. But you have to do it the right way.
Let’s walk you through a quick scenario of writing a landing page for the finest of craft beers.
- First off, add quotation marks around your search terms. This helps to narrow your research down and makes it much more targeted. In our example, you could try “craft beer reviews”, which opens up results galore from YouTube reviews to entire blogs dedicated to the joys and revelations of trying out different craft beers.
- Next, search online marketplaces such as Amazon. This presents a winning combo for product research in the form of your competitor sales pages and thousands of satisfied/unhappy craft beer drinker reviews. Sift through and find out exactly what caused their delight or shock and horror.
- Saved the best for last to check if your attention span resembles that of a goldfish or not just yet - browse Reddit. For an answer to all life’s existential questions, Reddit has come to my rescue many a time. Simply Google “craft beers Reddit” to open a secret tunnel right into the minds of people who not only use your product but also take immense pleasure from describing exactly how/why they use it.
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