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The power of aligned goals in marketing unlocking success together
Simon Bullmore10/8/2023 00:12 AM1 min read

The power of aligned goals in marketing: unlocking success together

Aligning the goals of your marketing efforts with those of other departments is a game-changer.

Here’s why:

1. Clearing the fog. Imagine a boat full of people rowing in different directions, each rower with their own vague destination in mind. Chaos, right? The same goes for marketing. When different people and departments have conflicting or unclear goals, it creates confusion and disjointed effort. By aligning goals, you bring everyone together, fostering the kind of collaboration that gets you all moving in the right direction.

2. Breaking down silos: Feel like your marketing team is an island, disconnected from other departments? Aligned goals are a brilliant bridge builder. Start by reaching out to sales, product, and customer service departments. They have relationships with your customers and are therefore valuable sources of both insight and support.

3. Unlocking resources: Wave goodbye to aimless marketing investments that float in space without making any impact. Instead, develop a focused strategy tailored towards achieving shared goals, with enough people and resources to get there. When your goals are aligned with the wider business, it becomes easier to set priorities and make informed decisions. You can then identify and allocate resources appropriately. 

4. Boosting accountability: When goals are aligned, responsibility becomes shared. By creating a culture of accountability, where everyone is aware of the role they play in achieving shared objectives, it becomes easier to evaluate performance, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate successes, together. 

5. Nurturing a customer-centric approach: Marketing is about reaching, engaging, and satisfying customers. When marketing goals are aligned with customer-related goals shared with other departments, magic happens. By understanding and prioritizing the needs and desires of your target audience, you can develop campaigns that resonate with them on a deeper level - for example tackling pain points your sales team have identified. 

This kind of goal-based alignment helps build trust, loyalty, and ultimately, longer-lasting relationships with your customers. And when that alignment means you get results that other people in your business care about, your star will shine even brighter.

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Simon Bullmore

Simon helps our clients develop effective growth strategies and data literacy programmes. With a background in business psychology, Simon has worked in data, business development and training for over 17 years. This includes leading the learning programme at the Tim Berners-Lee founded Open Data Institute, and the launch of Harvard Business School's first European office.