This quote, by stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, spun around my head a lot last year.
I, like I suspect many people, tend to mentally label things as either "good" or "bad". Obstacles are "bad". Setbacks are "bad". Mistakes are "bad".
But one reason stoicism is witnessing a revival is that it encourages a more balanced perspective - a surprisingly human one, given stoicism's dour if ill-deserved reputation - encouraging us to suspend judgment, to stop labelling things good and bad and to welcome the challenge.
The ancient stoics, and modern teachers like Ryan Holiday, show us that challenges and difficulties are not just unavoidable but are opportunities for growth, learning, and success.
Instead of avoiding or fearing obstacles, my challenge to myself this year is to continue trying to embrace them as a chance to develop resilience, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
By genuinely embracing obstacles and learning from them, in empathetic and human ways, I truly feel we can take some of the pressure off ourselves and others, and see obstacles as stepping stones rather than roadblocks.
Happy New Year.
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